Monday, May 1, 2023

My Connection With Social Media

My Connection With Social Media 

For me, technology is a tool that I use to provide assistance to my everyday needs, whether it be communicating with friends and family across the world or tackling assignments for school. In that sense, my relationship with technology is more of a professional one rather than a personal one. However, I've recognized that for many individuals, technology plays a significant role in their lives.

 I sometimes wonder if my relationship with technology is a healthy one. It's challenging to assess whether or not I have a healthy relationship with technology since most of today's tasks are all online so I have to be using technology for most. School work has now diverted its way from paper to now the digital world, with even submitting assignments and reaching out to professors and classmates done through email. I have also noticed that because of social media, a lot of my leisure time has gone to endless scrolling on my phone, looking at my Instagram feed of pictures that I would bet I won't remember five minutes from now. In terms of time spent on technology, it's essential to find a balance between utilizing technology's benefits while minimizing its negative effects. I try to set aside time for me to go out and unplug from the digital world, as so much of my life already revolves around it. Technology has helped my life a lot, however, with all the misinformation that is spread online, it is important to be careful with what information you are intaking especially if technology is a big part of your life.

 Without a doubt technology makes my educational life much simpler especially with having access to all the information I could even need for my assignments. With that said , it's essential to be discerning and critical when assessing information found online. With the abundance of information available, it can be challenging to determine what sources are trustworthy and accurate. Thus, individuals must be vigilant and take responsibility for their consumption of information. As a student, it is important for me to make sure my sources are trusted ones with accurate information. You not only have to be careful of misinformation spread online, but social media's fake perception of happiness has become a big thing I've recently been aware of.  In some cases, technology addiction can lead to negative consequences such as social isolation and decreased attention span. It's important to recognize these potential consequences and take steps to mitigate them. 

Regarding my friends and family, technology can play both positive and negative roles in relationships. On the one hand, technology can facilitate communication and allow us to stay connected, even when physically distant. On the other hand, it can also lead to social isolation and decreased face-to-face interaction. In most cases we see the younger generations become so invested in their phones that they miss out on what is happening around them, and looking back I've realized how much I've missed not living in the moment.

 Being someone who doesn't particularly use social media much, I have a very small online footprint. However, I still make sure to be careful with what I say and post online, as it is essential to be aware of your online footprint and ensure that it presents a professional and positive image. Prospective employers will likely search for information about job applicants online to gain a better understanding of who they are. Therefore, individuals must be vigilant about what information is available about them online and take steps to edit out any potentially negative content. 

It is no surprise that technology is an integral part not only of my life, but the future of modern society, and it's essential to have a healthy relationship with it. It's up to each individual to reflect on their technology usage patterns and determine whether they are giving technology the appropriate amount of time in their life. It's also essential to be discerning and critical when assessing information found online and take responsibility for our consumption of information. Finally, it's important to find a balance between utilizing technology's benefits while minimizing its negative effects on our relationships.

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