Sunday, April 2, 2023

Digital Age Ted Talks

Digital Age

Ted Talk #1:

In his Ted Talk discussed the importance of being cautious about the digital footprint that you leave behind. It compares the usage of social media and technology and the data that you leave behind to a tattoo. It is something that obtains a sense of permanence. These issues affect me and the people around me because we all are involved in technology without thinking about the data we leave behind in the process. We have a false sense of privacy and safety when it comes to using technology, that should be reflected upon. Our memories, actions, personal information, and identities are plastered on databases and services. The government should be taking action to better regulate how much personal information is stored and saved. In addition, laws should be enforced that make sure that when personal information is saved on certain databases, that this is known to the user explicitly, rather than just in the fine print of the terms of services. To better protect ourselves from the invasions of our privacy, it would be best to limit our dependency on social media sites, a work to isolate ourselves from connecting with others through online mediums. Limiting time online, while also being more selective on what information we choose to store or share online, will be the best course of action for protection from our own digital footprint as well as the companies that prey on our data.

Ted Talk #2:

In her TED Talk, Catherine Crump discusses the issue of police tracking individuals through data collection and analysis. The collection and analysis of personal data can potentially result in a loss of privacy, a breach of civil liberties, and an increased risk of discrimination. Police having the ability to track individuals can lead to biased policing, racial profiling, and an infringement on individual freedoms. This can affect not only the individual being tracked but also their friends and family, as their personal information may also be collected and analyzed. The government should take steps to protect individuals' privacy and civil liberties while also ensuring public safety. This may involve implementing regulations and oversight mechanisms for law enforcement agencies to prevent abuses of power and protect citizens' rights. I think that the government should also invest in technology that balances public safety with privacy and civil liberties. To protect ourselves from invasions of privacy, individuals can take several steps, such as using encryption tools, turning off location services on their devices, and being cautious about what personal information they share online. They can also advocate for stronger privacy laws and policies and support organizations that work to protect civil liberties and privacy rights. Individuals can also exercise their right to free speech and protest to demand changes in government policy that better protect their privacy rights.

Ted Talk #3:

In his TED Talk, Christopher Soghoian discussed the issue of mobile phone surveillance and the impact it has on individuals and society. Mobile phone surveillance can have a significant impact on individuals, friends, and family. Governments and corporations can potentially use personal data collected from mobile phones to spy on people, track their location and activity, and infringe on their privacy and civil liberties which can lead to discrimination, harassment, and persecution, Governments should enact laws and regulations that protect citizens' privacy rights while also allowing for effective law enforcement and intelligence gathering. This may include increased transparency and oversight of surveillance practices, as well as stronger protections for whistleblowers and journalists who expose surveillance abuses. Governments should also invest in technology that prioritizes privacy and security and promote encryption and other privacy-enhancing technologies. Individuals can take several steps to protect themselves from mobile phone surveillance, such as using end-to-end encryption, turning off location services, using a VPN, and using a privacy-focused browser. They can also minimize the amount of personal information they share online and advocate for stronger privacy laws and regulations. It is also important for individuals to be aware of the risks of mobile phone surveillance and to be vigilant in protecting their privacy and civil liberties.

Ted Talk #4:

In her TED Talk, Darieth Chisolm discusses the issue of revenge porn and its impact on individuals and society. Revenge porn can have significant emotional and psychological impacts on individuals, friends, and family. It can lead to public humiliation, harassment, and even go as far as a job loss. The spread of intimate photos or videos without consent can also result in physical violence, social isolation, and in extreme cases, suicide. The fear of becoming a victim of revenge porn can also prevent individuals from engaging in intimate relationships or expressing themselves freely online. Governments should enact laws and regulations that protect individuals from the non-consensual sharing of intimate images and videos. These laws should include severe criminal penalties for perpetrators of revenge porn and provide legal remedies for victims, such as the right to have the images or videos removed from the internet. The government should also fund educational campaigns that raise awareness about the harms of revenge porn and promote positive digital citizenship. Individuals can take several steps to protect themselves from becoming victims of revenge porn, such as not sharing intimate photos or videos online, using two-factor authentication to secure online accounts, and regularly monitoring their digital footprint.

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